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           I have a brief background in web design, so when I heard that we would be putting together a website, I was pretty excited! That excitement wasn't necessarily misplaced, but wasn't fully aware of the responsibility associated with the act. It was relatively fun, but it was also important to realize the scale of website construction. At least I didn't have to build the HTML code for it.

           I played it safe with the initial setup, using the provided template. I made slight alterations, making sure it was easy on the eyes. With that, I wound up working with a minimalistic design, using light colors. The final result is a sleek website design that won't be difficult to dive into.

          As far as specific design elements go, the home page provides a directory of sorts to the other pages on the site. The buttons match the theme of the site as well. I added a little variation in color on each of the pages, and made consistent font choices. I made the hyperlinks within my writing projects well-integrated, including them directly in the text. I placed pictures either in slideshows, or alongside the text, whichever makes more sense for the specific page.

          Finally, each of the writing pieces had their own level of enjoyment. The film review was fun because I love movies. I also got to pick the topic, which was a bonus. I had a good time watching the movie and piecing together a review. The immersion experience takes this enjoyable feature and expands upon it. It was especially great to try something new, and writing about it in the way we were supposed to added another layer of excitement. Finally, the updates on the website were a slightly underwhelming project. I think it's just because the impact was lessened due to the semester wrapping up soon. Overall, though, the writing projects in this course were innovative as far as I'm familiar with, and I heavily appreciate that.

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